Hi there, I'm Enzo 👋
In my day to day I’m the CEO at June.so - the next-gen product analytics for B2B SaaS.
In my free time I share my learnings about product management & early stage startups.
Recently I started to write a book, it's called "The first Product Manager".
It's about Product management in early-stage startups.
Startup time is the most limited resource a startup has. And so spending time on the wrong things is what kills it.
The goal of this book is to provide some guidance. And de-risk product development for startups. In particular pre-product/market fit.
It's also catered to later-stage businesses, that want to be more efficient, like they were in the early days.
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It'll give you access to the chapter 1 for free, and you'll be informed first when the book comes out! 😃
Excited to release this book soon to the world 💜